Get the legal advice you need now. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, you may be eligible for a huge cash settlement. After an accident, the insurance companies rush to investigate and get their story straight before you even have time to breathe. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car accident, the best thing to do is speak with a auto accident specialist now to find out what to do.
We have a legal team ready to deal with the insurance companies and investigate your case. Our auto accident attorneys have years and years of experience dealing with the big insurance companies so you don’t have to. The insurance companies know that when you hire a lawyer, they have to pay you more. So why not get what you deserve.
We have recovered millions for our clients and want to help you. Our job is to handle your auto
accident claim for you and help you recover the money you deserve for your current and
future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and more.
If they don’t pay you top compensation, we take them to court and fight for you.
Mohammad Muhareb is a personal injury lawyer who handles cases involving a car, motorcycle and pedestrian accidents, trucking and ride share accidents. Mohammad Muhareb has experience working with all insurance companies and is not afraid to use that experience in his work on behalf of personal injury clients.
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